نخوض التحديات لنثبت أن عالمنا ملهم لكل مختلف

الآكرلك والبوثات

نخلق مساحات عرض تعكس الهوية البصرية.

تجربة نقل فاخرة ومتميزة.

تجربة متكاملة لقصص نجاح مبهرة.

خدمات لوجستية
إدارة الفعاليات

متميزين في عالم مليئ بالتشابه

ينظر فريقنا إلى كل مشروع جديد باعتباره جزءًا من نفسه، نحن نبتكر أفضل الأفكار لتحقيق هدفك ..

An architect working on a draft with a pencil and ruler
An architect working on a draft with a pencil and ruler

معرض التصاميم


آراء العملاء

تجارب مميزة مع تصميم البوثات وخدمات الأكريليك الاحترافية.

خدمة تصميم البوثات كانت رائعة، لقد جذبنا الزوار بشكل كبير.

فهد العلي
Several booth counters with protective glass are arranged in a row. Behind them, there are glass windows that provide a view of parked cars outside. Signs above the counters indicate services related to minibus transfers to ski resorts. The lighting is provided by ceiling lights and there is a modern industrial ceiling.
Several booth counters with protective glass are arranged in a row. Behind them, there are glass windows that provide a view of parked cars outside. Signs above the counters indicate services related to minibus transfers to ski resorts. The lighting is provided by ceiling lights and there is a modern industrial ceiling.


تصاميم الأكريليك كانت مبهرة، أضفت لمسة جمالية لفعالتي، شكرًا لكم.

A small booth decorated with various Hello Kitty-themed items. The booth has a scalloped blue and white canopy with a sign above it featuring stylized lettering. Inside, there are inflatable toys, lanterns, and balloons, all designed with Hello Kitty characters and motifs. To the left, yellow flowers add a touch of color, and a spotlight is directed at the display.
A small booth decorated with various Hello Kitty-themed items. The booth has a scalloped blue and white canopy with a sign above it featuring stylized lettering. Inside, there are inflatable toys, lanterns, and balloons, all designed with Hello Kitty characters and motifs. To the left, yellow flowers add a touch of color, and a spotlight is directed at the display.
منى السعيد

